Pharmaceutical Returns Service -Reverse Distribution of Expired Pharmaceutical Products


Descriptions of Available Forms

It is important to use your correct DEA number and the name used for DEA registration. Please include your wholesaler account number and address on all request forms to ensure proper credits.

Safe-D Pak Forms - are used to order a Safe-D Pak to dispose of unwanted controlled substances.

Schedule 2 Request Form - is used to identify your Schedule 2 items before shipping. We will capture the appropriate data to ensure that a correct DEA Form 222 is issued. Please note that DEA regulations prohibit the transfer of a Schedule 2 item without prior issuance of DEA Form 222.

Schedule 3-5 Request Form - is used to identify the Schedule 3-5 merchandise in your return for accountability during shipment.

Pharmaceutical Inventory Form - is used to record unscheduled merchandise being shipped to The Rx Exchange.

Federal Forms

During the returns process there may be one or more forms required to be completed for the DEA. We will complete and send you the necessary forms for your return after you send us the relevant Request Form shown above. The Federal forms are described below:

  • DEA Form 41 - a federal form used to record the destruction of controlled substances.
  • DEA Form 106 - a federal form used to report the theft or loss of controlled substances.
  • DEA Form 222 - a federal form to record the transfer of a CI or CII substance from one registrant to another.